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Sat May 30th, 2020 @ 10:41am


Name Kas Fel’ Shar’zhen (NPC)


Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian Zhen
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 140 lb
Hair Color white
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Kas has a lithe and youthful form that undermines her true iron will and professionalism. She is a free spirit, and defying Andorian culture, this reflects in her high color fashion, and impeccable attention to individualism in her appearance. Often highlighting hair strands, wearing colorful attire.


Spouse Avor, Dure, Inia
Children Kee La 'thaan, Tor y'O 'Chan, Zala Ka-ano
Father Jotz Id O 'Chan, Latr aqi So'Thaan
Mother Sek Vfo 'Zhen, Albi To'Shen
Brother(s) Chan, Chan, Thaan Thaan
Sister(s) Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Shen
Other Family Hundreds spread over Andor and colonies.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kas is a free spirit and iron willed master of the ship she serves. She loves to explore and is capable of great feats under pressure. She has problems in her life she is running from and struggles with them while she pursues happiness in the stars.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Skilled Officer- Jack of All trades-
- Not close combat hardened, needs weapons, gadgets
+ Creative, improvisational tech and gadgets building
+ Loyal to a fault.
- Life problems and stresses can rob her of confidence to lead.
Ambitions/ Plans for your character None, searching for a meaning. Desires to uphold her obligations but also be free to live her life.
Hobbies & Interests Music, Dance, arts in general. Gymnastics and engineering for small devices, tinkering in general.

Life Stories

Service Record (Andorian reproduction is a huuuuuuge factor in their lives, please look it up if you arent familiar with how the four genders work and how important is to their civilization to produce at least 4 offspring.)

Kas decided to seek her own fortune after her constant resistance to Andorian culture and social obligation to reproduce made her career aspirations dry up. She had already speant the last ten years raising two children and feels her youth is being wasted simply birthing children. Until they met their four children minimum they weren't allowed to leave, or be free.

The Military provided a way out but when they ordered her to go home for another four years for another child... she left. Though in her time she had served well and learned much, including a chance encounter with one Quinton Beck. During her years of service it seemed she was going to do very well, and had a pre-ordained place ready for her in Civil Services producing public arts.

Her friendship with Quinton Beck gave her the chance to seek her own fortune and she leaped at the opportunity. Out of support her two bondmates came with her, Avor and Dure, Inia had to remain home to care for the infant Tory and young Keela.

Though her heart aches for home and family, she also is compelled to live her own life, two more children meant easily twenty more years of her life spent to raising them and serving in the military or civil services. It was unthinkable, and she refused to submit.

Inia wouldn't join them, feeling that the lifestyle too dangerous for young children. She remains with the clutch family group, and is under shame from everyone due to this situation. When the Lafitte is found and restored to working order, their is a chance for home, but Dure is killed in action. Inia joins them, as now they must find a rare chance for a genetic match and they must all be ready and together at a moments notice to produce their next child.
Personal Bio Civil Services- Family and Career Advancement Program
Federation liasion to Civil Assets Officer

Enlisted to Andorian Command

4 years training, proficiency granted for Ship Administration.

"Kulahar" Cargo Remttance Officer

"Soross" Second Ward Officer

"Soross" Second Mate

"Second Star" First Officer