These are the voyages of the Star Ship "Second Star, a proud member of Theta Fleet! Now Celebrating Ten Years of Excellent Writing!

Welcome Image.

Welcome Image.

Check out our awards here!

December 2017 Award of Merit

Latest News Items

» Relighting the Set

Posted on Sun Nov 3rd, 2024 @ 5:32pm by Civilian Resident Judah Capek in General News


It’s been a while, but just wanted to post here, that work has begun on resuming this SIM. Currently, there is an event on a separate SIM from this one, Starbase 109, which will see the crew of the Second Star resuming their journeys across the breadth of the Federation and beyond. Recruiting will begin once some housekeeping and self learning on NOVA site admin is done. I am also reigniting another SIM, the Vaq’Bach a grand old bird of a Klingon SIM which fizzled just as it got to a big part of the story!

Expect more, and…

» Theta Fleet Awards

Posted on Sat Jul 11th, 2020 @ 9:09am by Second Mate Colleen Branagan in General News

Hello, Small Crew!

I don't know who pays attention to the Theta Fleet Awards, but we brought some home for June! Some very nice ones, in fact. It's no secret that we are a tiny crew, and struggle to fill positions. Nevertheless, we've been working hard, and the awards are the kudos we receive for that work.

We are in Theta Fleet, Task Force 23, Group C.

We received the honorary Gold Unit of Distinction for Task Force 23. This is based on sim activity, usually number of posts. However, we've been working hard and upping our post counts so…

» We are back baby!

Posted on Tue Apr 14th, 2020 @ 11:18am by in General News

I have great news...

We have my good friend Stephen returning! Welcome back, we haven't gotten too far but we have players now, and are ready to go.

For our return to form and site revisions we got an award from Theta Fleet, an attaboy if you will ;)

Please continue to report ideas for site revisions, or broken portions. I am still making fixes, always working on the site...

Thanks for being great, look forward to seeing everyone back!

» Khitomer Conference Returns

Posted on Thu Jan 30th, 2020 @ 7:57pm by Second Mate Colleen Branagan in General News

From Theta Fleet Command:

On February 22, the second annual Khitomer Conference will be held on Discord. It’s a day of presentations by simmers for simmers about various aspects of summing from running a game to character development to what formats are available.

Everyone is welcome to attend. It will run all day beginning at 3 PM GMT. All fleets and star trek simmers are welcome.

To see the schedule, go to: Project Khitomer

I think there’s a link to the Discord channel on the website. If not, any of us on Discord can share it.

Kathryn Burke
Commander, Theta…

» Update from the OOC XO

Posted on Sat May 4th, 2019 @ 6:51am by Second Mate Simon Starr in Out of Character

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since either the captain or I posted any updates on things. It's been relatively quiet on our end, however, that doesn't mean nothing is happening.

Firstly, we've now finally left the space station and are on our way with our mission - more of this in the mission posts. We've also got a few sub-plots that people should be able to join in with if they wish.

Secondly, we are always looking to boost the crew - so feel free to spread the word so we get some new crewmembers writing. Finally, as an…

Latest Mission Posts

» Relighting the set

Mission: META
Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2024 @ 9:58am by Civilian Resident Judah Capek

Just breaking the ice on this SIM, making a return post. Time to get back out there.

That is all.


» Loadmaster

Mission: The Proving Ground
Posted on Mon Feb 8th, 2021 @ 8:25am by Second Mate Quinton Beck & Second Mate Simon Starr & Master Steward Othor Jaxz Ghost of the Second Star


{Main Hangar- Deck 18 aft}


A voice over the din rang in the young man's ear, shouting his name and greatly annoying him. He knew of nobody on this vessel who could have gotten that information ahead of his arrival. The shrill voice pierced the crowd and landed on his ear, harsh and somehow wet. Talarian port authority had authorized his transfer only moments ago as he was en route nowhere near the border.

He saw the culprit emerge in his periphery, a Ferengi female of middle age, slight stature. She carried a concealed weapon on her wrist,…

» Phaedras Crossing

Mission: The Proving Ground
Posted on Mon Feb 8th, 2021 @ 8:25am by Second Mate Quinton Beck & Second Mate Simon Starr & Second Mate Colleen Branagan & Master Steward Othor Jaxz Ghost of the Second Star


{Second Star- Turbolift 1}

Kaksos had learned to hold his tongue. somehow, it seemed to improve peoples attitudes. Among his peers he was a funny and light hearted fellow, but here, there was no doubt this was a one time engagement, his services were not going to be re-employed next time. When his alerts sounded to show their proximity to the border, he knew he was needed and made his way to the bridge. That was the plan; however, the turbolift was stuck doing rounds in the Engineering section.

Kas spoke over his communicator,
=0=Bridge here, Kaksos, we need…

» Surgical Intervention, Part 2

Mission: The Proving Ground
Posted on Mon Feb 8th, 2021 @ 8:14am by Civilian Resident Judah Capek & Second Mate Colleen Branagan & MERCHANT RANKS N'Tach Oro-korinko (NPC)

Previously, in the Engineering Section, Colleen Branagan was trying to help with the mess of the last Engineer leaving the ship. She's getting to know those who work and repair Second Star.

Judah prompted them like shy children to move towards Colleen, "They'll listen to you, I told em you were a friend."

The four floating robots cautiously moved forward, Nessy with a giant optical antennae upraised was the closest, while Zombie stayed far back. N'tach had yelled at them. Chris Callahan hadn't trusted them. How would this new one react?

And now, how will they all work together?


» Notes on the Agora

Mission: META
Posted on Mon Feb 8th, 2021 @ 8:11am by Second Mate Quinton Beck


{Agora- Cherry Lounge}

The Agora was curved so seeing end to end wasn't possible, it made for a cool trick enlarging the idea of the space while truthfully it was narrow. Recessed alcoves and flush storefront capitalized on every bit of space available to slope backwards. Benches and open green spaces dotted the bottom level, while four floors of shopping arrayed both sides of the metal canyon. The "ground floor" took on a new meaning for the crew as they enjoyed the grass and dirt. There was a small Vivarium and coursing river through it, which emptied into a…

Latest Personal Logs

» Tired

Posted on Sun May 10th, 2020 @ 8:51pm by MERCHANT RANKS N'Tach Oro-korinko (NPC)

Chief Engineers personal log- I despise this practice, but it is a requirement of my new expanded role. My day is fine. I did work. Nothing was truly accomplished.


» Mission Log 1.1

Posted on Thu Aug 15th, 2019 @ 3:05am by Second Mate Quinton Beck

"Captains Log: Mission Entry 1, Day 1

I am confirmed in the eyes of the crew. Our launch was a spectacle, glad for it too. we are going to have to develop some clout and toolbox for the bureaucrats trying to crack this operation wide open.

We are the first of our kind. A Merchant vessel under operational lease from a Military organization... They'll never let another crew own their ship like this, but the opportunities are abounding, and it feels like we are barely keeping the course.

I found faith in an odd moment though. Something I noticed on…

» Betrayed

Posted on Sun Dec 30th, 2018 @ 8:57pm by Second Mate Simon Starr

So, my chief turns out to be spying for the Federation on the work we do here. And I thought the marine corps were bad. I was told that the Federation, though involved slightly in the operation, would be completely transparent. Yet my own chief, who should be most concerned about the ship’s personal security than Starfleet’s agenda, is reporting everything the ship does back to them. Isn’t the Federation presence enough? I know I’m not the only crew that feel this way, but I left the Federation to get away from them, not be spied on by them.


» Last cup of noodles.

Posted on Wed Apr 5th, 2017 @ 3:25pm by

Slowly drifting beside a collapsing star, I yawn deeply as I wait for my instant noodles to finish cooking.

"Bon appetit" says a bodyless woman."

I reply "Thanks Aadya", but no one is there.

Slamming back down into my captain's chair and kicking my feet up carelessly. I'm propped up on the control panel and twirling my noodles cooling them off. Sitting there watching the sun collapse in on its self, creating colors the English language couldn't describe, I slowly turn up Tupac on my original boom box. I began to wonder why I even eat noodles.

I suddenly giggle,…

» Personal Log

Posted on Tue Apr 4th, 2017 @ 5:43pm by Second Mate Quinton Beck

Don't really trust my thoughts to a computer, but since it's you Judah I just gotta vent. Make sure nobody hears this.

***Biotic Encryption engaged***

I'm overwhelmed. My Father ran a loose ship with morals to match, this is... there are families! I expected to smuggle and gun run like the ol days but this ship is seen by millions and watched everywhere it goes.

Yet, I no longer feel burdened by the weight of performing for my fathers specter. I don't look over my shoulder expecting him to grab me and pull me out of the way. Why? Because…