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Wed Nov 20th, 2024 @ 9:58am

Civilian Resident Judah Capek

Name Judah Tisc-ala Capek

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Second Position Quartermaster

Rank Civilian Resident

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 Human (1/4 Denebian)
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height N/a- 4'11"
Weight 121 lbs.
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Glossy White
Physical Description Judah would have been a regular long lived Human, his Denebian blood granting a longitude to the Human genome which enabled him to become quite remarkable with great promise for the future to come. An accident reduced him to a paralyzed state and he is now bound to a neurally interface device to control devices and machinery to do his bidding. He is bound to a somewhat mobile life support unit, "arms" are controlled from a mobile unit. Similar in concept to Pikes Wheelchair from the "menagerie" but with a pleasant voice synthesizer and mechanical appendages. He spends most of his time as a body in cold storage, and travels the ship as a holographic avatar of his teenage self.


Spouse Unmarried
Children Yes
Father Tyrus Capek
Mother Sall't ik Capek
Brother(s) Bernard Capek
Sister(s) Lissa Capek

Personality & Traits

General Overview Judah had plenty of gifts, born well, with a llong life ahead. his accident changed everything, and his depression coupled with suicidal tendencies drove him to seek escape. Judah has earned money despite his state, and found his way to serving as a crew member on the "Second Star." There, he serves as ships Computer and pilot, interfacing with the Second Star effortlessly. As a hologram he serves in incredibly diverse fashions.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Similar computational and technological proficiency to Data.
+ Can interface with many computer systems
+ Has bag of tricks in Bio-unit
- Requires constant Medical attention.
- Totally paralyzed, eye motion only.
- When disconnected from computer systems, is very depressed.
+Holographic self has many capabilities
Ambitions/ Plans for your character To either restore his body or leave it behind and take an android body. Is considered suicidal as every attempt to move between bodies has killed him and forced medical resuscitation.
Hobbies & Interests Biological Interface with Technology, Various Computer systems, "Being" the Second Star as it flies through space.

Life Stories

Service Record Judah was given many advantages in his life, was told he was special, and never had to really try to achieve great feats. This hubris lead to an experiment on biological interfacing which caused massive trauma to his nervous system and left him utterly paralyzed.

His family had gone to great lengths to make him whole, exhausting avenue after avenue only to reach dead ends and a common answer. "Never." Judah had at this time only minimal ability to interact. His voder was a tin can radio, his appendages were clumsy, and he could only exchange data if someone helped him hook up and it was always limited access.

Akio Itachi was the answer to Judah's problems. Akio had been following the case where Judah had been thoroughly determining how bad the damage was. He had a solution, a direct positronic interface which broke nearly every Federation law on Bio-Ethics. It meant brain surgery, it meant living in a bio-pod to sustain a body-brain health, but Judah agreed.

His family refused as this tech meant Judah would spend his life in a Penal colony. They held him against his will for years, but working remotely and earning money enabled him to escape by hiring men to remove him from the family home. He met with Akio, and they performed the procedure, trying not to get caught.

Desperate to stop him, Judah's family had conspired to place a tracker and Starfleet came to arrest them. Judah and Akio escape, with the work half done. Judah spends his considerable fortune in an investment opportunity offered by Fala Gaz and buys a home on the Second Star. Akio brings the equipment and they hope to finish the interface soon.

Judah and Akio develop a way for his mind to project a holographic version of himself which becomes a surrogate body.
Personal Bio Computer/Science/Navigation Officer.