Holy Moly! Look at us!
Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2017 @ 12:08pm by Second Mate Quinton Beck
Whoa! Wow! Gadzooks! *spit take
Where did all of you folks come from?!
I mean...
I am Austen your vacillating and shifty leader who is full of fear, but also cunning. Jack Sparrow meets Malcolm Reynolds so to speak, or maybe more like Flapjack.
We do have a few other players around here, Stephen and Armando, my partner and my writing partner so to speak lol. My little brother is contemplating return as well, so we may have him to look forward to soon :(... I mean :) ... No it's :(
I must say our lil sim wasn't feeling too hot but thanks to our new Mercenary Arcadia Explosion Our roster is well past the minimal crew we need to launch. I have a day off soon so let's say Monday 4/3 will be the day I start the post with the Second Star leaving Starbase 214 to Talar!
I'll update the SIM page as well, so you can get caught up, I'll include a mission synopsis so you don't need to read the whole backlog to know whats going on. Also, starting in April I will begin tracking our metrics and issuing awards to stellar players who make the uniform proud!
Expect some Site changes over the next week as well to adjust to all of you newcomers. If you want your image attached i'm gonna do all that over the next few days so make sure it is uploaded! I am always available to any and all for questions.
Category: General News